Knowing the right camping knots can make all the difference when it comes to setting up camp, securing gear, and creating shelter. Whether you’re just starting out or are an experienced backpacker, it’s always good to keep your basic knot knowledge up-to-date.
In this video, YouTuber Jeremiah demonstrates three important camping knots: the stopper knot, the double dragon knot, and the farrimond hitch. These camping knots can help you secure your tent, set up a clothesline, and tie down a tarp.
The stopper knot is a simple but essential camping knot for stopping the end of a rope from slipping through a loop. It’s easy to tie and is more secure than an overhand knot. This basic camping knot is also an important foundation to understanding other more advanced knots like the clove hitch and figure eight knot.
The bowline is a popular camping knot that’s easy to tie and has lots of uses. It’s ideal for tying down a tarp or tent, and can also be used to join two lengths of rope together. Simply feed the running end around the standing part of the rope, pass it over itself, then under the end that’s already there and pull to tighten.
The sheet bend is a versatile camping knot that can be used to create a variety of different shapes. It’s great for making a loop in the middle of a rope and can be used to form a square lashing. It’s also a simple and reliable way to temporarily tie down an object, as it doesn’t damage the surface you’re securing to.