A Short Hike is one part Animal Crossing and one part Breath of the Wild

A Short Hike is one part Animal Crossing and one part Breath of the Wild

A Short Hike feels like what you would get if you turned Animal Crossing into an adventure game like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Yes, it’s an experience full of cute cartoon animal people, but more importantly A Short Hike has a similar sensibili…

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My husband and I live in Seattle and save almost half our income so we don’t have to work by 40. Here’s what we spend in a typical week.

Angela Rozmyn lives in Seattle with her husband and son. They both work in construction and earn a combined income in the low six figures. They save 40% to 50% of their income and plan to become financially independent in their early 40s. For Business Insider…

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