Camping French Press – A Great Alternative to Instant Coffee

camping french press

Camping French Press – A Great Alternative to Instant Coffee

If you love camping and hiking, then you may already own a camping French press. This is an essential item to have if you plan on doing any hiking or camping trips. Along with being easy to use, the traditional French press technique is also very portable and inexpensive. You could buy a good French press for less than $25.

A camping French press makes a great addition to your picnic food supply as it can be easily taken along for a picnic. The method used to brew a cup of coffee is quite simple, all you need to do is put the coffee bean into the hopper, fill with water and allow the coffee to steep for several minutes until it becomes a darker color. Once the bean starts to brew, it will then spill over onto the plate and into the cups. These are quite inexpensive and provide a wonderful alternative to the instant coffee that we are used to having at most restaurants.

Another great thing about the camping French presses that are available on the market today is the fact that you can find a model that fits into the price range that most of us can afford. You would be surprised by the price tag that some of these models can come with and the fact that they are so affordable means that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get a cup of great tasting coffee. Some of the most common brands that fit into the mid-range price range include the Stansberry adventure, Villaware and the Adventure Coffee Roasters.