Camping on the Beach

camping on the beach

Whether you’re new to beach camping or a seasoned veteran, there are a few things you should know about camping on the beach. The first thing you should know is that each type of camping has its own set of challenges.

When you’re planning a beach camping trip, it’s important to research the beach you’re visiting. Check the local weather forecast and watch the tide charts to determine when you can set up your tent.

A great place to start your research is to contact your state park or recreation department. You can also look online for tide tracker apps to help you determine when the high tide is.

The best place to set up your tent is where vegetation meets the beach. This will provide a protected area and minimize the sand drag inside the tent. A tarp at the door will also minimize the sand that will be transported inside.

Make sure you bring plenty of water for the duration of your trip. Be sure to pack a cooler to store your drinks and food.

To protect your tent from the elements, use sand bags to hold down the corners. You can also tie sand stakes in the corners to keep your tent from blowing away.

If you plan to sleep at the beach, make sure you have a designated lifeguard on duty. The waves can be dangerous during summer squalls. Strong offshore winds can produce massive waves.