Enjoying Camping

With the weather warming up, now is the time we think about getting outside and enjoying the weather. One of the outdoor activities we think about is going camping. What better way to enjoy the great outdoors than to start planning a camping trip and what you will need for that trip.

I have always loved the Springtime. Winter is done and the weather is warming up. There is new growth on the plants and the birds are building their nests. It is at that time that we want to get outdoors and breathe the fresh air. Depending on where we live, the Spring and Summer can come at different times. In the warmer sections of the country, we make the most of this beautiful weather before the heat of Summer hits. In the cooler sections, we welcome the Spring Warm-up and moderate Summers, giving us a chance to get out of the house, where we have been cooped up all season. It is so wonderful to know that we can now go camping and spend the night in the fresh air, and once more be connected to our beautiful natural world!

In my own experience, I can remember camping as a youth and an adult. I remember hearing a small animal walking outside the tent or hearing an owl at night. In the early morning I can remember seeing a deer. I am a nature-lover by heart, so this was a very memorable experience. I also remember sitting by the campfire at night, possibly eating smores, as well as listening to stories. I think that children who have had the camping experience have rich memories they carry with them for life. It is also very educational for not only our children, but for everyone. We learn the way our ancestors lived before the comforts of electricity and appliances. It also gives families a chance to have some good old recreational fun while working together and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. How does it get any better than that!

There are so many ways now to enjoy camping, with items that add to our comfort while we relax and enjoy the change of pace. We can enjoy the comforts that are similar to home while being outdoors. When we are planning our camping trip, we can bring a tent, sleeping bags, lanterns, cookware, and eating utensils that enhance our outdoor experience and leave us comfortable and relaxed. If we like to look at the constellations in the night sky, we can even bring a telescope. We will not want to miss some sightings of wildlife and birds that we may come upon in the early morning, and our binoculars will definitely be handy in that case.
