UFO seekers are flocking to a huge Buddha statue in Thailand saying it is home to a wormhole that aliens use to travel to different dimensions

UFO seekers are flocking to a huge Buddha statue in Thailand saying it is home to a wormhole that aliens use to travel to different dimensions

A group of Buddhist worshippers on a remote hilltop in Thailand believe that aliens communicate with people in the area. Khao Kala in Nakhon Sawan — which translates to “City of Heaven” — is located just three hours north of Bangkok and has become a hotspot f…

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Best Camping Mattress [2019]

After looking at dozens of products we found the [amazon link=”B07MBG81Y4″ title=”Englander First-Ever Microfiber Queen Air Mattress” /] to be the best air mattress for camping. It comes with a five year warranty, a comfortable microfiber construction and it’…

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